Do I Dare?

Do I dare claim His name and not care for others?
Do I dare have His joy and not pass it on?
Do I dare know His peace and not tell my neighbor?
If I don't care for others, do I dare?

Do I dare claim His name and not care for others?
Do I dare ask His help and not share His Word?
Do I dare take His blessings and not help the lonely?
If I don't care for others, do I dare?

Do I dare claim His name and not care for others?
Do I dare call Him Master and not be a friend?
Do I dare seek His power and not spread the Gospel?
If I don't care for others, do I dare?

Christian Prodigal Sons

Luke 15:13 tells us that after the prodigal son left home, he wasted his money. His father had given him something of value. He wasted it.

God has given us things of value. Are we, like the prodigal, wasting them?

He has put a certain amount of money at our disposal. We may spend it, give it away, save it or invest it. Whichever of these we choose, we are wasting it if our choices do not reflect his desires.

God gives us twenty-four hours a day – the same amount given the billionaire and the begger. Do we ask Him how we should spend them and then do we follow his directions? Do we worship and praise Him or do we ignore Him? Do we give a cup of cold water in his name or do we drink it all to satisfy our own thirst?

God has given us a limited amount of influence on friends, family and neighbors. Do we take every opportunity to let people know we love Him and are grateful for all our blessings or do we forget to give Him the credit?

God has given us the ability to learn and remember. Do the things we put into our cranial computers glorify and please Him or is our input wasted on non-eternal issues?

Each evening we can return home to our Father in prayer. We must be careful how we live so that we do not have to confess that we wasted the substance He gave us that morning.


I have heard it said that to avoid running ahead of God we should delay helping others “until we feel the Holy Spirit leading us to serve in that particular situation.”

Maybe instead we should start helping them immediately and continue until the Holy Spirit tells us to quit.